Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Project 1: Logo (Part 1)

Start thinking of a fictional, non-traditional company or product. Post 5-10 ideas for fictional companies or products on your blog.

1. Movie Swap - Swapping out your used movies for new ones
2. Easy Dog Training - A shot that helps train your dog, making it watch a DVD to train it
3. ShopFin.com - A coupon website
4. Paperless Planning - A hand held voice command daily planner
5. Easy Hair Styles - A book that you go through and when you find a style you want you click the button beneath it and it automatically does it

Monday, August 29, 2011

About Me

I'm Jackie and I'm a sophomore at the University of Tampa. I was born and raised in Naples, Florida. I love my family and friends. I also love going to the beach, on the boat, and just being with my friends in my spare time.
I expect to expand my knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator while utilizing personal interests in an effort to accomplish the projects and assignments in my Digital Arts class. I enjoy using Photoshop to edit all of my photos and am excited to learn more about the program and to learn how to use Illustrator.